Online Discussion
Cultural studies and Post colonialism

A girl in the River : The price of forgiveness is a 2015 Documentary film directed by sharmeen obaid chonoy about honor killing in Pakistan. The documentary follows the story of a nineteen -year -old girl, who survives an honor killing attempt by her father and uncle. The protagonist has a solid stance on not forgiving her attackers.
Sharmeen and Arvind adiga both show are the reality and dirty image of their nation sharmeen shows the reality of women killing for honor of family and Arvind adiga portrayed the harsh reality of India. There is an argued Arvind adiga that why he portrayed ugly and negative image of India.
There are many places where the writer try to show the reality. Many people not like Arvind adiga because he shows the reality of India. Bad side of India. So people who like to see the glory of their nation not accept him.
The film was second Oscar for Pakistani
Producer and director shrmeen Obaid Chinoy and won the award for best short documentary.
In this documentary ,she has presented reality of women's Life that women in Pakistan are suffering by the honour killing which may bring change in women 'S life after showing the true picture of it. Once reality come out, we can change the bad situation but if it is still hidden we can't do anything as there are so many crimes. Happen with women daily which can't reported in news or by any documentary like...
Cultural studies and Post colonialism

A girl in the River : The price of forgiveness is a 2015 Documentary film directed by sharmeen obaid chonoy about honor killing in Pakistan. The documentary follows the story of a nineteen -year -old girl, who survives an honor killing attempt by her father and uncle. The protagonist has a solid stance on not forgiving her attackers.
Sharmeen and Arvind adiga both show are the reality and dirty image of their nation sharmeen shows the reality of women killing for honor of family and Arvind adiga portrayed the harsh reality of India. There is an argued Arvind adiga that why he portrayed ugly and negative image of India.
There are many places where the writer try to show the reality. Many people not like Arvind adiga because he shows the reality of India. Bad side of India. So people who like to see the glory of their nation not accept him.
The film was second Oscar for Pakistani
Producer and director shrmeen Obaid Chinoy and won the award for best short documentary.
In this documentary ,she has presented reality of women's Life that women in Pakistan are suffering by the honour killing which may bring change in women 'S life after showing the true picture of it. Once reality come out, we can change the bad situation but if it is still hidden we can't do anything as there are so many crimes. Happen with women daily which can't reported in news or by any documentary like...
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