On 14-15-16 September in department of English MKBU. We have guest lecture by professor Balaji Ranganathan. He had deal with post colonial study in our department. He was came here for three days and the topics which are discussed by him are....
1) Black skin, white mask by frantz fanon
2) Edward said on Orintalism
3) A Tempest by Amie cesaire
4) Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie
1st day....
On 14th he had taught us black skin white mask by frantz fanon. He taught the unit very interestingly Ans deeply.
He said that white man sealed in his whiteness and back man sealed in his blackness. Humanism is larger inclusive Humanity. Higher state of awareness is humanity .
He said that your colour is biological ,impression is simple so you are observed by not your skin but my your culture.
2nd Day.....
He talks about Edward said on " Orintalism " and "A Tempest " by Amie cesaire when he talking about orintalism is not just and idea but it is a material idea, philosophical, discourse and now it has become academic. Orientalism is about the different way through which west looks toward the east. Then he taught us about " A tempest " Amie cesaire and the difference between " The Tempest " by Shakespeare and " A Tempest by Amie cesaire.
Then he talk about Net / Set exam and told as to take is it competitive exams and not like any other academic exams. He provide as technique to how prepare for this examination. Here also he suggests to read original history book and tries to remember it.
3rd Day....
On 16th September he taught us imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie..
About the idea of' Nation ' and 'State ' in which Sir explained that state means the territory of authority like king, Queen, government have geographic state, but nation means an imagination.
He explained the unit and with chapter. .
1)Approach -Approach conflict (++)
2) Approch- Avoidance conflict (+-)
3) Avoidance - Avoidance conflict (--)
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