Tuesday, 25 December 2018

The Negro and language black skin and white mask

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Name :- Parmar Darshna V.
Roll no  : 6
Year : 2017-2019
M. A. : Sem :3
Paper name :(11) Post colonialism literature
Topic : The Negro and the language black skin and white mask
Email ID :  parmardarshna1997@gmail.com
Submitted to : Smt S.B.Gardi.                Department of English
   M. K. Bhavnagar University

The Negro and the language
Black skin and white mask


        Frantz Fanon was born in Martinique in 1925 and went to school there first, before moving to metropolitan France to continue his education during the second world war, He served in the free French Army, which took him for the first time to North Africa after the war, he studied medicine any psychiatry at the university of Lyons, completing his training in 1951. Two years later he was appointed to run the psychiatry department of hospital in Algeria; and he soon joined the Algerian liberation movement, the national Liberation front, contributing to its underground newspaper. In 1961, he was appointed ambassador to Ghana by the Algerian provisional government but he died of Leukemia that year.

The Black man/Negro and *:

      Language essential for providing us with one element in understanding the black man’s dimension of being for others, it being understood that to speak is to exist absolutely for the other. The Negro possesses 1250 dimension   one with his fellow Blacks, the other with the whites. A Black man behaves differently with a white man than he does with another black man. The problem we shall tackle in this chapter is as follows the more the black Antillean assimilates the French language, the whiter he gets. Ex. the closer he comes to becoming a true human being. We are fully aware that this is one of mans attitudes faced with being. A man who possesses a language possesses as an indirect consequence the world expressed and implied by this language.

The Negro and Language ;-

     This chapter deals with the language of white people. It shows that language of White people is in power position and Language of Black people has lesser importance. The Language of White people is in centre, and Language of Black people is in periphery. In this chapter the author discusses that if a black person does not learn the white man’s language perfectly, he is unintelligent yet if he does learn it perfectly, he has washed his brain in the world of racial ideology. Thus the language of White people in centre and the Black people don’t learn it they do not get enough values in society of that time. So, Black people have to learn the language of White people.

The black  man entering France changes because for him the  metro pole is the holy of  holies; he changes not only because that’s where his doctors, his departmental superiors and innumerable little potentates come from, the staff  sergeant “ fifteen years on the job” to be gendarme from patisseries. There is a kind of spell cast from afar, and the black man who leaves in one week for the metro pole creates an aura of magic around him where the words Paris.
          The African today that the feeling of inferiority by blacks is especially evident in the educated black man who is constantly trying to overcome it. We would like to try to show why the black man posits himself in such a characteristic way with regard to European languages.

   The black man likes to palaver and it is only a short step to a new theory that the black man is just a child. Psychoanalysis has a field day and the word “morality” is soon pronounced here we are interested in the black man confronted by the French language.

          There is nothing comparable in the French Antilles; the official language is French elementary school teachers keep a close eye on their pupils to make sure they are not speaking Creole. When an Antillean with a degree in philosophy says he is not sitting for the aggression because of his color, my response is that the black man is as intelligent as any white man, my response is that neither did intelligence save anybody, for if equally among men is proclaimed in the name of intelligence and philosophy, it is also true that these concepts have been used to justify the extermination of man.

        They have a clear conscience when the answer comes back along the same lines “you see, I told you so. That’s how they are, if the opposite case, you need to retract your pseudopodia and behave like a man. The entire foundation collapses. A black man who says! “I object, sir, to you, calling me, my old fellow” now there’s something new.

     “There is nothing comparable
When it comes to the black man.
         He has no culture, civilization,
And no long historical past”.

          The black man has to wear the livery the white man has fabricated for him. Look at children’s comic books all the blacks are mouthing the ritual, yes, boss. In films the situation is even more actuate.

          In France, where go million citizens are colored. Anyone would dub the same idiocies from America. The black man has to be portrayed in a certain way, and the same stereotype can be found from the black man in same pitied. To speak a language is to appropriate its world and culture. The Antillean who wants to be white will succeed, since he will have adopted the cultural tool of language.

          If should be understood that historically the black men wants to speak French since ,if is the key to open doors which only fifty years ago still remained closed to him.

Thank you...

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