Tuesday, 18 December 2018

English specific purpose

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Name :- Parmar Darshna V.
Roll no :- 6
Year :- 2017-2019
M. A. :- Sem -3
Paper Name :- English Language.                     Teaching -1
Assignment Topic :-  English                          specific Purpose
Email ID :- parmardarshna1997@gmail .com
Submitted to :-  Smt.S.B.Gardi                        Department of English
                 M. K. Bhavnagar


English for specific purpose has for about 30 years been a separate branch of English language teaching. It has developed it's own approaches, materials and methodology and is generally seen as very active even 'feisty'  Movement that has had considerable influence over the more general activities of TESOL and applied linguistic.
ESP has always seem itself as materials driven and as a classroom based activity concerned with practical outcomes.
In ESP syllabus, the teaching content is geared to the special language 'repertoire' pertaining to the specialized aims that are required of the learners. ESP is a relatively new discipline within Applied Linguistics that bids a new learner-centered approach to English language teaching whose methodology is based on the specific needs of the learner.

 ESP : Definition....

    Robinson (1980)has defined it as the teaching of English to the Lerner who have specific goals and purpose. According to him, these goals might be professional
               academic, scientific etc....

ESP: Definition ........

      ESP an approach to language teaching to which all divisions as to content and method are based on the Lerner's reason for learning (Tom Hutchinson  And Alan Walters 1990).

The Meaning of the word 'Special 'in ESP....

                One simple clarification requires to be made here about the two entirely different notions of special language and specialized aim. It has been noted that confusion arises over these two notions. It specifies the focus on certain features of the language that are immediately associated with the restricted use of the target language which is required by the learner in order to achieve a particular purpose. As mentioned above, a specialized aim refers to the purpose for which learners learn a language, not the nature of the language they learn. Consequently, the focus of the word special in ESP ought to be on the purpose for which learners learn and not on the specific jargon or registers they learn. The notion of a language with singular characteristics began to take root in the sixties and the early seventies, being associated with the pioneering research of Halliday, MacIntosh and Strevens (1964).

What is ESP ?

       ESP in brief is the use of particular variety of English in a specific context of use and justified by Lerner's needs.
ESP requires analyzing language that is required in the area /profession, conducting students need analysis, conducting interviews with subject matter specialists in the area.
ESP one can more precise about Lerner's need :Their need are defined by a learning or occupational situation in which English plays a key role.
What distinguishes ESP is learners needs.

   “Its teaching and materials are founded on the result of need analysis.

       English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centered approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline such as academics, accounting, astrology, business, IT, teaching, and engineering.  Students are also exposed to Canadian workplace or academic culture and real world communication practice.

English for specific purpose course are.....

Targeted :  ESP courses focus only on

 the language you need.

Relevant :  ESP is about your life outside the training room.

Specialist :  ESP trainers need to understand the context.

Motivating :  ESP language is business or work critical.

Cost- effective :  ESP training wastes no time

 Differences between ESP and General English :

English For Specific Purpose
General English
   1) Specialized Lexis
More freedom to use words

2.) Motivation related to job
Free  time activities

3.) Teach negotiation and presentation
Social Events

4.) Techniques and business correspondence
General writing skill

5). Goal oriented students
Time for game in free time activity
   Though there are major differences between ESP and General English. We find some common aspect in both which are as below :

·         Grammar and various  Functions

         General  Vocabulary
         Anxiety about abilities
         Small talk and current events
         Survival English.

-   Differences between ESP and General English :
                                                              Charactersticks of ESP

 Absolute characteristic of ESP
    ESP is designed to meet the specific need to the learner.
ESP make use of the understanding methodology and activities of the discipline
ESP is centered on the language (grammar, Lexis, register) skills, discourse and genres appropriate to there activities.

       At the time, teachers of General English courses, while acknowledging that students had a specific purpose for studying English, would rarely conduct a needs analysis to find out what was necessary to actually achieve it. Teachers nowadays, however, are much more aware of the importance of needs analysis, and certainly materials writers think very carefully about the goals of learners at all stages of materials production. Perhaps this demonstrates the influence that the ESP approach has had on English teaching in (htt10)can be described as using an ESP approach, basing their syllabi on a learner needs analysis and their own specialist knowledge of using English for real communication, it is the majority of so-called ESP teachers that are using an approach furthest from that described above.
The various characteristics
ESP may be related to or designed for specific discipline.
ESP may use, in specific teaching situation. A different methodology from that of general English.
ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institutions or in a professional work situation. It could however be used for Lerner's at secondary school level.
ESP is generally at secondary designed for intermediate or advanced students.
Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners.

Need Analysis..........

   A  need can be defined as a condition or situations in which something is required or wanted.
Teacher should be aware of the requirement of the students towards learning the language before designing other curriculum.
The Term "need analysis "in general refers to the activities that are enveloping in collecting into that will sarve as the basis developing a curriculum that will meet the need of a particular group of students
The first ability required in order to successfully communicate in an occupational setting is the ability to use the particular jargon characteristic of that specific occupational context. The second is the ability to use a more generalized set of academic skills, such as conducting research and responding to memoranda. With the health science group, this was largely related to understanding a new culture. The third is the ability to use the language of everyday informal talk to communicate effectively, regardless of occupational context. Examples of this include chatting over coffee with a colleague or responding to an informal email message.

The concept of need in esp can be understand in relation to.....

(a)  Goal -Oriented needs (target needs)

(b)  Process oriented need (learning need) what the learner needs to do in order to learn.

Approaches to needs Analysis
Target situation analysis (TSA)
Learning situation analysis (LSA)
Present situation analysis (PSA)

Conclusion ........

    Discussing ESP with the reference of Tony Dudley Evans's paper research work we get must idea about ESP. He talks about ESP with various sides and shows the path for language. He also argued for the importance of genre analysis as leads the course design from the initial needs analysis to materials production and lesson planning.

 ESP teacher is envisaged by those who argue that ESP teaching should be concerned with rights analysis as well as need analysis. Benesch (1999) argues that ESP teacher should not act as interpreter of the way that the subject teacher communicates information in lectures or his/her priorities in marking.

     Thank you 

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