Sunday, 19 November 2017

Hamlet thinking activity

  • How faithful is the movie to the original play ?

    Ans. Movie is most same as original play. it covers all dialogues and incidence it has followed text well but we also show some difference in the movie like in the movie  hamlet look too old  but in real in the play who is young. 

  • After watching the movie, have your percoption  about play, characters or situation changed
 Ans.      After watching the movie, we come to know about how dialogues were delivered. movie starting with name of ''HAMLET" it's unique style to shows movie name so it's very effective. The character expression and way they speaks is too good. specially  a character of ' Ophelia'. The way she
changed her expression it's very difficult.

  • Do you feel 'catharsis' while or after watching movie ? if yes, exactly when did in happen? if no, can you explain with reasons ?
Ans. Yes, i feel 'Cathersis' while ophelia becomes mad at that time she needs hamlet  his love and support but he was not there and she dies. so with this thing love of ophelia and hamlet got tragic end.

  • Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play ? 
Ans.    Yes, screening of the movie helps me a lot to understand the situation and emotion of the character. Movie is very helpful to remind every character and incident but if we only read the text so its difficult for us.

  • If you are director, What changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on shakespeares's 'Hamlet' ?
Ans.    There is no much need to change the movie. The setting of the play is too good and we can also see the way of showing name of the film on pillar of castle it's unique. I wont to one change in character of Ophelia. Ophelias character shown as weak but i want a strong female character who take her own decision.

  • In the beginning of the movie , camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you red in this ?
Ans.      In this statue shows that King Hamlet was at the center without him tragedy could not happened. He was responsible for everything and fall of Denmark. The fall of the statue also signifies his rules ends on DENMARK.          

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