Sunday, 19 November 2017

Wordsworth thinking activity

  • What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of 'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'?
     classicism and Romanticism are two ideology. it's a technique of writing. in both the term we find a dominance of certain things.classical writer like pope, Dryden believe in intellect whereas for  romantic writers like Keats,shelly, wordsworth imagination is the guiding principle. in classicism we find certain kind of restrained. while romanticism is free from that . they believe in liberty,freedom. there is free play of emotions. they express  whatever they like. classical writers relied on the classical master. whatever they said it is bible for them. romantic writers followed medieval writers.
                                  In classical literature of Dryden city life or urben life was the central their theme. while for romantic writers rural life becomes the theme of their writing. rustic life attracts them most. they sing the glory of the rural life. romantic poetry is subjective while classical poetry is objective.
                                 If there is a difference between classicism and romanticism then it is the difference between their approach in which they looked at the poetry.
  • Why does Wordsworth say 'What' is poet? rather than Who is poet?
To give words to our feelings we must have special medium,that we hardly get but poet who is a person,can easily with talent & simple way present that.he has talent & power to give model through his art .In his art he don't just depicts thoughts but soul of,deep meaning of ideas are we can say that,he has art or medium to give words their feelings & by that he also shares that with readers.and it really matters.and that's why,may be,here,Wordsworth want to defined What if poet rather than Who is poet.because who is poet has limited answer to justify his image,better you see him,observe him,evaluate him as a poet having some unique quality.that gives him scope to touch the heart of others,by sharing his own sentiments.he can come across our emotions too.In literary form,he can proves his greatness with the use of human study & philosophy of life in a better way.
  • What is poetic diction? Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his Preface?
By watching second video we come to know that what is poetic diction. It is a choice of words, use of language, poet's own unique style of writing. Wordsworth believed in using lower class people's language. It fits well to the purpose of poetic pleasure. He said that rustic people are more genuine. But he also believes that it should be refined.
  • What is poetry?
Poetry is a breath and finer spirit of all knowledge, it usually gives moral thoughts. It may be both spontaneity and tranquility, but in both process it gives delight to the readers.
  • Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud' with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.
Wordsworth's definition is very famous , in this definition he gave the important of spontaneous overflow.Daffodils (1804) is the best example for understand the definition in this poem we find first three stanza in past tense and last stanza in present tense . In this poem we find recollection and tranquility. It happens work out of definition.

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