Tuesday, 25 December 2018

The Negro and language black skin and white mask

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Name :- Parmar Darshna V.
Roll no  : 6
Year : 2017-2019
M. A. : Sem :3
Paper name :(11) Post colonialism literature
Topic : The Negro and the language black skin and white mask
Email ID :  parmardarshna1997@gmail.com
Submitted to : Smt S.B.Gardi.                Department of English
   M. K. Bhavnagar University

The Negro and the language
Black skin and white mask


        Frantz Fanon was born in Martinique in 1925 and went to school there first, before moving to metropolitan France to continue his education during the second world war, He served in the free French Army, which took him for the first time to North Africa after the war, he studied medicine any psychiatry at the university of Lyons, completing his training in 1951. Two years later he was appointed to run the psychiatry department of hospital in Algeria; and he soon joined the Algerian liberation movement, the national Liberation front, contributing to its underground newspaper. In 1961, he was appointed ambassador to Ghana by the Algerian provisional government but he died of Leukemia that year.

The Black man/Negro and *:

      Language essential for providing us with one element in understanding the black man’s dimension of being for others, it being understood that to speak is to exist absolutely for the other. The Negro possesses 1250 dimension   one with his fellow Blacks, the other with the whites. A Black man behaves differently with a white man than he does with another black man. The problem we shall tackle in this chapter is as follows the more the black Antillean assimilates the French language, the whiter he gets. Ex. the closer he comes to becoming a true human being. We are fully aware that this is one of mans attitudes faced with being. A man who possesses a language possesses as an indirect consequence the world expressed and implied by this language.

The Negro and Language ;-

     This chapter deals with the language of white people. It shows that language of White people is in power position and Language of Black people has lesser importance. The Language of White people is in centre, and Language of Black people is in periphery. In this chapter the author discusses that if a black person does not learn the white man’s language perfectly, he is unintelligent yet if he does learn it perfectly, he has washed his brain in the world of racial ideology. Thus the language of White people in centre and the Black people don’t learn it they do not get enough values in society of that time. So, Black people have to learn the language of White people.

The black  man entering France changes because for him the  metro pole is the holy of  holies; he changes not only because that’s where his doctors, his departmental superiors and innumerable little potentates come from, the staff  sergeant “ fifteen years on the job” to be gendarme from patisseries. There is a kind of spell cast from afar, and the black man who leaves in one week for the metro pole creates an aura of magic around him where the words Paris.
          The African today that the feeling of inferiority by blacks is especially evident in the educated black man who is constantly trying to overcome it. We would like to try to show why the black man posits himself in such a characteristic way with regard to European languages.

   The black man likes to palaver and it is only a short step to a new theory that the black man is just a child. Psychoanalysis has a field day and the word “morality” is soon pronounced here we are interested in the black man confronted by the French language.

          There is nothing comparable in the French Antilles; the official language is French elementary school teachers keep a close eye on their pupils to make sure they are not speaking Creole. When an Antillean with a degree in philosophy says he is not sitting for the aggression because of his color, my response is that the black man is as intelligent as any white man, my response is that neither did intelligence save anybody, for if equally among men is proclaimed in the name of intelligence and philosophy, it is also true that these concepts have been used to justify the extermination of man.

        They have a clear conscience when the answer comes back along the same lines “you see, I told you so. That’s how they are, if the opposite case, you need to retract your pseudopodia and behave like a man. The entire foundation collapses. A black man who says! “I object, sir, to you, calling me, my old fellow” now there’s something new.

     “There is nothing comparable
When it comes to the black man.
         He has no culture, civilization,
And no long historical past”.

          The black man has to wear the livery the white man has fabricated for him. Look at children’s comic books all the blacks are mouthing the ritual, yes, boss. In films the situation is even more actuate.

          In France, where go million citizens are colored. Anyone would dub the same idiocies from America. The black man has to be portrayed in a certain way, and the same stereotype can be found from the black man in same pitied. To speak a language is to appropriate its world and culture. The Antillean who wants to be white will succeed, since he will have adopted the cultural tool of language.

          If should be understood that historically the black men wants to speak French since ,if is the key to open doors which only fifty years ago still remained closed to him.

Thank you...

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

English specific purpose

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Name :- Parmar Darshna V.
Roll no :- 6
Year :- 2017-2019
M. A. :- Sem -3
Paper Name :- English Language.                     Teaching -1
Assignment Topic :-  English                          specific Purpose
Email ID :- parmardarshna1997@gmail .com
Submitted to :-  Smt.S.B.Gardi                        Department of English
                 M. K. Bhavnagar


English for specific purpose has for about 30 years been a separate branch of English language teaching. It has developed it's own approaches, materials and methodology and is generally seen as very active even 'feisty'  Movement that has had considerable influence over the more general activities of TESOL and applied linguistic.
ESP has always seem itself as materials driven and as a classroom based activity concerned with practical outcomes.
In ESP syllabus, the teaching content is geared to the special language 'repertoire' pertaining to the specialized aims that are required of the learners. ESP is a relatively new discipline within Applied Linguistics that bids a new learner-centered approach to English language teaching whose methodology is based on the specific needs of the learner.

 ESP : Definition....

    Robinson (1980)has defined it as the teaching of English to the Lerner who have specific goals and purpose. According to him, these goals might be professional
               academic, scientific etc....

ESP: Definition ........

      ESP an approach to language teaching to which all divisions as to content and method are based on the Lerner's reason for learning (Tom Hutchinson  And Alan Walters 1990).

The Meaning of the word 'Special 'in ESP....

                One simple clarification requires to be made here about the two entirely different notions of special language and specialized aim. It has been noted that confusion arises over these two notions. It specifies the focus on certain features of the language that are immediately associated with the restricted use of the target language which is required by the learner in order to achieve a particular purpose. As mentioned above, a specialized aim refers to the purpose for which learners learn a language, not the nature of the language they learn. Consequently, the focus of the word special in ESP ought to be on the purpose for which learners learn and not on the specific jargon or registers they learn. The notion of a language with singular characteristics began to take root in the sixties and the early seventies, being associated with the pioneering research of Halliday, MacIntosh and Strevens (1964).

What is ESP ?

       ESP in brief is the use of particular variety of English in a specific context of use and justified by Lerner's needs.
ESP requires analyzing language that is required in the area /profession, conducting students need analysis, conducting interviews with subject matter specialists in the area.
ESP one can more precise about Lerner's need :Their need are defined by a learning or occupational situation in which English plays a key role.
What distinguishes ESP is learners needs.

   “Its teaching and materials are founded on the result of need analysis.

       English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centered approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline such as academics, accounting, astrology, business, IT, teaching, and engineering.  Students are also exposed to Canadian workplace or academic culture and real world communication practice.

English for specific purpose course are.....

Targeted :  ESP courses focus only on

 the language you need.

Relevant :  ESP is about your life outside the training room.

Specialist :  ESP trainers need to understand the context.

Motivating :  ESP language is business or work critical.

Cost- effective :  ESP training wastes no time

 Differences between ESP and General English :

English For Specific Purpose
General English
   1) Specialized Lexis
More freedom to use words

2.) Motivation related to job
Free  time activities

3.) Teach negotiation and presentation
Social Events

4.) Techniques and business correspondence
General writing skill

5). Goal oriented students
Time for game in free time activity
   Though there are major differences between ESP and General English. We find some common aspect in both which are as below :

·         Grammar and various  Functions

         General  Vocabulary
         Anxiety about abilities
         Small talk and current events
         Survival English.

-   Differences between ESP and General English :
                                                              Charactersticks of ESP

 Absolute characteristic of ESP
    ESP is designed to meet the specific need to the learner.
ESP make use of the understanding methodology and activities of the discipline
ESP is centered on the language (grammar, Lexis, register) skills, discourse and genres appropriate to there activities.

       At the time, teachers of General English courses, while acknowledging that students had a specific purpose for studying English, would rarely conduct a needs analysis to find out what was necessary to actually achieve it. Teachers nowadays, however, are much more aware of the importance of needs analysis, and certainly materials writers think very carefully about the goals of learners at all stages of materials production. Perhaps this demonstrates the influence that the ESP approach has had on English teaching in (htt10)can be described as using an ESP approach, basing their syllabi on a learner needs analysis and their own specialist knowledge of using English for real communication, it is the majority of so-called ESP teachers that are using an approach furthest from that described above.
The various characteristics
ESP may be related to or designed for specific discipline.
ESP may use, in specific teaching situation. A different methodology from that of general English.
ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institutions or in a professional work situation. It could however be used for Lerner's at secondary school level.
ESP is generally at secondary designed for intermediate or advanced students.
Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system, but it can be used with beginners.

Need Analysis..........

   A  need can be defined as a condition or situations in which something is required or wanted.
Teacher should be aware of the requirement of the students towards learning the language before designing other curriculum.
The Term "need analysis "in general refers to the activities that are enveloping in collecting into that will sarve as the basis developing a curriculum that will meet the need of a particular group of students
The first ability required in order to successfully communicate in an occupational setting is the ability to use the particular jargon characteristic of that specific occupational context. The second is the ability to use a more generalized set of academic skills, such as conducting research and responding to memoranda. With the health science group, this was largely related to understanding a new culture. The third is the ability to use the language of everyday informal talk to communicate effectively, regardless of occupational context. Examples of this include chatting over coffee with a colleague or responding to an informal email message.

The concept of need in esp can be understand in relation to.....

(a)  Goal -Oriented needs (target needs)

(b)  Process oriented need (learning need) what the learner needs to do in order to learn.

Approaches to needs Analysis
Target situation analysis (TSA)
Learning situation analysis (LSA)
Present situation analysis (PSA)

Conclusion ........

    Discussing ESP with the reference of Tony Dudley Evans's paper research work we get must idea about ESP. He talks about ESP with various sides and shows the path for language. He also argued for the importance of genre analysis as leads the course design from the initial needs analysis to materials production and lesson planning.

 ESP teacher is envisaged by those who argue that ESP teaching should be concerned with rights analysis as well as need analysis. Benesch (1999) argues that ESP teacher should not act as interpreter of the way that the subject teacher communicates information in lectures or his/her priorities in marking.

     Thank you 

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

" Design " by Robert Frost

The poem "Design " written by Robert Frost.

 " Design " is a very impressive sonnet. It is about an spider, a flower and a Moth. Frost changing the meaning of Design.

- Symbol as a Whiteness

   The poem begins with a simple setup -the first three lines introduce us to the main character. We have a big white spider on a white flower and white cloth poised to eat a white moth, the symbol of whiteness and darkness.

  Frost concludes that if it were "Design " that brought these three together. It must be some pretty dark design. In other words, it's not a comforting thought to think that god went out of his way just to make sure this moth got eaten. But that's the crucial "if" of the last line " if design does govern these small things.

Thank you.... 

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Robert Frost as Nature Poet (Assignment paper no -10)

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Name :- Parmar Darshna V.
Roll no :- 6
Year :- 2017-2019
M. A. :- Sem :- 3
Paper Name :- (10) American.                                        Literature
Assignment topic :- Robert Frost as                            nature poet.
Email ID :- parmardarshana1997@gmail.com
Submitted to :- Smt. S. B. Gardi                    Department of English
      M. K. bhavnagar University


      Robert frost is one of the greatest of American poets, whose name is well familiar in India. His images from the New England countryside and his language from New England speech. Although frost’s images and voice often seem familiar and old and his observation have an edge of skepticism and irony his poetry of his poetry helped provide a link between the American poetry of the 19th century and that of the 20th century.
       Robert Frost is one of the most popular and honored poet of America. Robert Gaves called him .
The voice of America"

      Like wordsworth he wrote about incident and situation from common life.

   Central themes  of his poem :

-Men & women

Characteristic of Frost’s poems

-Clarity and simplicity
-Universality and human life
-Philosophy of frost
-Note of Humor Frost as nature           poet
  These are some of the characteristic of his poems. Here we are concerned with.....
  Nature poet:

              Frost is great nature poet. He writes of the natural seem and sights, hills and deals of the region which lies north of Boston. In his view nature and man are two separate principles, and he constantly emphasizes the differences rather than than the similarity of their life and activity, he does not idealize the rustic and his life, rather he presents him as he is withal his deeper understanding of impulses, jealousies, love and hatreds with all the sordid details of the life he leads his poems of rural life are highly suggestive and symbolic.
         Nature figures prominently in frost’s poem. He was a farmer and poet. So, he was a always in company of nature. It is most important characteristic of his poem. He spent his life in rural area. So, most of the scene are inspiration from New England. He has written about rural landscape and wildlife. So we can not avoid the fact that he is a nature poet.

  Relationship between Men and         Nature

            His poems are not about how nature works but it’s about human psychology. There is always kind of connection between Nature & men. Most of his poems have a New England and that setting deals with Man’s relation with nature. One misunderstood thing of frost’s poetry
        'I am not a nature poet
        There is always a person first.
                                   - Robert  Frost

     Significant of Nature in Man's.         life

      So many literary writers’ uses Nature is their work. William words worth is one of them. He uses so many natural elements in his poetry. Nature is very important figure in human’s life. It helps us many ways. For examples:-Trees, water, seasons… that all are natural things and because of them we easily survive.
Nature is everything that was not made by man.
(contradictory nature)

            (Contradiction of nature)
Nature is permanent, human being cannot change nature. Ward nature has very broad meaning. It changes automatically and it changes every day. In the works of art, nature generally functions as background of place and time, obviously literature has considered as important things in environment. So Nature is important in human’s life and interesting subject of literary writer’s also.
          Robert Frost considered nature to be an outsider drive fit for crushing man, yet he additionally observed man's battle with nature as a chivalrous fight. As told in his lyric "Our Hold on the Planet", there is much in nature against us. In any case, we overlook: Take nature out and out since time started, including human instinct, in peace and war, And it must be somewhat more for man, Say a small amount of one percent at any rate, Or our number living wouldn't be relentlessly more, Our hang on the planet wouldn't have so expanded. Nature is particular and free from man. Man "keeps the universe alone," despite the fact that he may get out for "counter love," he won't discover it. Despite the fact that he adored normal magnificence, Frost perceived the cruel realities of the regular world.

Major Theme of Frost’s poetry:


            Nature is first and most important characteristic of Frost’s poem. Frost places a great deal of importance on Nature in all of his collections. Because of the time he spent in New England, the majority of pastoral scenes that he describes are inspired by specific locations in New England. However, Frost does not limit himself to stereotypical pastoral themes such as sheep and shepherds. Instead, he focuses on the dramatic struggles that occur within the natural world, such as the conflict of the changing of seasons (as in "After Apple-Picking") and the destructive side of nature (as in "Once by the Pacific"). Frost also presents the natural world as one that inspires deep metaphysical thought in the individuals who are exposed to it (as in "Birches" and "The Sound of Trees"). For Frost, Nature is not simply a background for poetry, but rather a central character in his works.

 There is always a person first.....

Robert Frost
       He observes Natural beauty minutely. According to Isiodor Human psychology is always central in his poem. Rural scene & landscape, homely farmer and natural world are used to illustrate psychological struggle with every day experience of human being. Frost use nature as a background of his poem.
           His poems begin with observation of nature and then move towards connection of human situation. Nature doe not idealize that is the work man so may be a man first. Nature is separate and independent from men.
             A person has to maintain harmony with nature. We should follow ways of nature. Nature has ability to destroy but frost saw struggle of men with nature as heroic battle. For example ‘our hold on the planet’. Frost recognized harsh realities of nature. He accepts fact. We have evidence that he observes man’s existence in the natural world that he observe Schneider 
         “is to me the most wonderful thing in his poetry. A snowfall, a bending tree, spring, a valley mist, a brook these are brought in the experience of the reader”

Robert Frost......

           Frost considered as a countryside poet. All his poems are abound in lovely picture, and the readers find himself in delightful woods valleys and woods hills where he can here the blue joys screech and the whimper of hawk inside the sun; he come upon the purple- stream wild rosberry ,the sudden posture lane of late fall and the abandoned celler holes gradually being reclaiming by nature.
           The picture of natural beauty gives symbolism through which reader can interpret. Here are some of the examples of his poem in which we find perfect picture of nature.

Pastoral element:
            Frost has spent time in New England. So most of the scenes are inspired from specific location in new England. He does not present stereotypical pastoral themes like sheep and shepherd and all. But he focuses on the dramatic struggles that occur within the nature world as one that inspires deep metaphysical thought in the individuals who are exposed to it. Frost use Nature as central character of the poetry rather than background of the poem. Examples From frost’s poem.

 Nature is Teacher....

               A person has to depend upon nature to survive in this world. Robert frost tries synthesizes the human and the nature through language, imagination and metaphor. Frost presents something familiar with us but yet he also presents something familiar with us but yet he also presents complexity and contrast as well as.

             By concluding we can say that he is an excellent observer of Nature. Frost’s poem reflects deep appreciation of natural world. So we can easily follow deeper meaning without any objection. Frost recognized the boundaries of man and nature. His poetry is an evidence of man’s relation with nature.

                                Thank you....... 

Colour and Vision in "To The Lighthouse " ( Assignment Paper no - 9)

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  Name :- Parmar Darshna V.                Roll No :- 6
  Year :-  2017-2019
  M. A. :- Sem -3
   Paper Name :-  (9) Modernist
                                 Literature     Assignment topic :- Colour and             Vision in 'To The Lighthousevl Email ID :-     parmardarshna1997@gmail.com
      Submitted to :- Smt. S. B.. Gardi
             Department of English
        M. K. Bhavnagar University



        To The Lighthouse'  is written by Virginia Woolf in 1920. It is a revolutionary book. Woolf was attempting something quite new in English novel. She wanted to capture, in words , the nature of human consciousness - What it actually feels to be alive.
        The novel at some extent - It is a biography of writer herself - Virginia Woolf. readers can feel during reading novel that...                                 
" One  isn't always hurrying to turn over the page, urgently wanting to find out what happens next."
        To The Lighthouse' is in the category of the 20th century literature. So, we may assume that what is it about. Obviously reading modernist literature do not provide the pleasure or delight but it creates anxiety and  it constantly hammering on readers mind.
        Thought story of novel is too short, the novel is full of length. One can describe the plot and the main concept of the novel in short also.
           To The Lighthouse ' is the unequal lengths of the time covered by each of three sections. The first and the third - " The Window and The Lighthouse "  each occupy less than a day. On the other hand , the middle section " The Time Passes " deals with a span of about ten years.

            Writer - Virginia Woolf attempts to represent the workings of the representation of what was to her most fragile ,dangerous and existing of processes life itself.
Human beings have emotions and feelings. Sometime it is hard and difficult to hide whatever it is.....Hate, Love, Disgust, Sorrow, etc.. The same way , Colours also reflect the instinct emotions and feelings which is more powerful than the word.
       At one level, Life is colourful. It is mixture of multicolour but it has one main object and colour which is stood throughout the time. So, each character reflects one colour in the novel : ' To The Lighthouse.
              ' So, let's discuss Colour and Vision in the novel. Colour in ' To The Lighthouse ' by Jack. F. Stewart and Vision in the Lighthouse by ' Glenn Pedersen's articles are base of my assignment.
 Colour In To The Lighthouse :
        Literature is also considered as art. In literature has pictorial quality through words and words are able to  create images in mind. The word colour is direct connect with the 'Painting.' According to Virginia Woolf ...................

              In the novel - ' To The Lighthouse '  writer Woolf tries to search for spiritual essences which is expressed in light and colour. We find two major perspective to define light and colour :  Creative Source and Creative Artist. Mrs. Ramsay may be introduced as " Creative Source " and Lily  Briscoe as " Creative Artist."

            Colour  is used  as various way like... symbol, radiance, vibration of some feelings etc.. But in ' To The Lighthouse ' Woolf 's art goes beyond impressionism and symbolism towards a flexible form that " does not shot out. "

What Colour reflects ?
      Colour indicates the personality, individual qualities of characters. We can understand the nature , and behaviour of characters through colour. The experience of colour relations is more than optional sensation. It is a complex experience hard to put into words, a stimulus and revelation.
       " Colour is a sensitive medium for expressing both individual and universal experience."
          Mrs. Ramsay identifies with the light with prism through this character this charactec, others are able to stand in their position Lilly Briscoe "do not seek to imitate form, but to create form, not to imitate life, but to find an equivalent for life."
          So many different colours are used in the novel like.. Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Black, etc....we find the mixture of colours in one, Through colour, reader can feel positive and negative vibration of the characters.
           If  Mrs. Ramsay consider to light as essences , Lily Briscoe consider to  color as the contingent substance of reality and art Through the each part are may come across the detail how each part is portrait with different colour.

     The Window             :- Symbol of.       light

     The Passes              :-darkness.            and silence

     The Lighthouse       :-Mrs. Ram say's spiritual light into voyage and form and colour in Lily's painting.

          It is no doubt that the word ‘Lighthouse’ in the title To the Lighthouse mirrors a symbolic meaning.

        Red and Brown Mrs. Ramsay had a color confusion which reflected her fragmentary mood torn between “the red light of emotion”  and the brown light of “reliability and practicality”.
Mrs.Ramsay described with 'Red'.-His Red-hot pokers, red geraniums. and reddish-brown hedge; the reddish-brown stocking that Mrs, Ramsay is knitting for the lighthouse. Keeper's Son ; her image of James 'all red and ermine on the Bench"; Paul Rayley's blaze of amorous passing ;and Charles Transley's red raucousness. Red color ascribes the male egotism.
        Reader  constantly heard  the background sound of Sea which is associated with the Blue colour. Green is associated with Green - illusion and imagination.
Grey-White-Black  Lily Briscoe, while she was trying to complete her picture after Mrs. Ramsay’s death, she always dreamt her as usual lady in a grey cloak” (Lighthouse 204). The reason to portray Mrs. Ramsay in grey is to mirror her neutrality and objectivity through the entire lifespan of her own. To Goethe’s Theory of Colors, “colors throughout are to understanding of the disorder.

        Blue is darkness made visible."  - agree with the tonal range of blue from height to depth . Sky to Sea, " bright steel to soft purple" and blue -white to blue-black." The dual extremes of palest and darkest blue relate to the light/darkness duality extremes of palest Mrs.Ramsay being.
          Mrs. Ramsay's Spiritual experience is mediated by image of light and darkness. So, Mrs.Ramsay is associated with a whole range of colour. Blue ,may be used as a background to show off other colour.

              In the colour coding of  Ramsay's blue is associated with distance , imagination, short-sightedness; red with closeness , rationality , farsightedness. The long view is free of complexity but unfocused - " Blue and Purple become hopelessly lost to blur in darkness and distance."
           In To The Lighthouse, red becomes constructive only under the aegis of Mrs. Ramsay who gives the order to " Light the Candles."
        Mrs. Ramsay’s green shawl folded around her shoulders does not just signalize a natural sense of security, but also represents the direction of her chaste as a sign of purity and cleanliness, because “chastity had then, it has even now, a religious importance in a woman’s life.The representations of colors change from a culture to another, though the green color stands for ‘nature’ all over the world.the green color is frequently addressed. In Christianity, surprisingly, the green color also symbolizes ‘money’. Though Virginia Woolf “was brought up with an aggressive, humanistic atheism” , it is observed that she does not completely represent an anti-religious identity in To the Lighthouse.
        Yellow the most luminous colour. None other might wear a yellow garment; yellow was symbol of supreme wisdom and enlightenment. Yellow will be seen as the nearest and largest of colours; Augustus, " drinking soup , is very large and calm in the failing light, and monumental and contemplative.

Vision in to The Lighthouse 
            Here, we discuss the vision in " To The Lighthouse" .Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe both are totally opposite to each   other . At the surface level it is considered that novel is the tribute of Mrs. Ramsay . As we all already know the stereotypical Indian culture Mrs. Ramsay is presented as same as Indian women presented in their literature.
  Woman can't paint and write."
      She does that and prove women's identity as intellectual as man. Both are remarkable characters in the novel because Mrs. Ramsay is alive because of her woman hood only and Lily Briscoe for her art. Both have their vision. - some extent it is different then even at some level it is similar.
was now bearing down upon her she gazed steadily until his closeness revealed to her that something had happened, someone had blundered. But she could not for the life of her think what". Mrs. Ramsay is repeatedly described as being short-sighted; she often sees in error, or not at all. But on the contrary, at the end of the novel Mr. Ramsay looked back at the island from the sea "with his long-sighted eyes ".

          Both Lily Briscoe and Mrs. Ramsay live in the presence of its reality. Symbolically, their perceptions of reality are usually interlocked with the Lighthouse, in her mystical experience; Mrs. Ramsay identifies the experience with the third stroke of the Lighthouse. For Lily Briscoe, as for Mrs. Ramsay, the Lighthouse symbolizes her vision of life. When Mr. Ramsay lands on the shore of the Lighthouse, Lily simultaneously finishes her painting which expresses her vision of life. Fulfillment of Lily Briscoe's vision completely establishes the nature of the Ramsay family, and added leitmotivs and images of window and lighthouse, land and sea, repeat the theme on the symbolic level until at the end the unity of the painting is complete when Lily Briscoe has had her vision. Mrs. Ramsay is alienating her son from his father and seeking to divert her husband's attention away from James. James's Oedipus complex is clearly nurtured and encouraged by his mother.

               Lily finishes her picture and puts the tree in the very middle of the picture. The tree placed in the middle indicates that Lily, the representative of women independence, has managed to restore the truth: Woman is the real mother of the world, but not man. Women should and can learn to write their history in their own discourse. That the blankness of the picture is finally filled means that women eventually learn to express themselves in their own way. It is Lily’s perseverance and self-sacrifice that make her picture complete. Lisa Williams says that “Lily is like a bee drawn to the intangible…Lily’s unfulfilled lesbian longing for this Mrs. Ramsay, the icon of Victorian womanhood, leaves her completely

Thank you


Friday, 30 November 2018




paper no - 9 ( modernist literature)


  • Shashi Tharoor was born in 1956 in London and educated in Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi (BA in History, St. Stephen’s College), and the United States. He holds a Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

     Once upon a time when, Britishers ruled over India for so many years. After a lots of struggle we get independence. There were thousands debates going on still now on colonial and post colonial idea.
***Shashi Tharoor  presented all his view on British Empire and India and how they do loot in India.
   Economic situation of the colonies were worst by the experience of british colonialism. They started exporting raw materials from India and shipping back manufactured cloth and the result was, the weavers in India become beggars.
Shashi Tharoor make a satire by giving this sentence, "The sun never sets of the British Empire because, even God couldn't trust the English in the dark".
African and Caribbean people's, psychological damage happen that has been done by British colonisers. Even today many of problems in these countries, like racial and religious tension were the effect of colonialism.

Movie Review : Mourning becomes Electra

Mourning becomes Electra

      Mourning becomes Electra

          The play This play "Mourning.  becomes Electra" written by Eugene O'Neil in publication in 1922. 
The title is problematic In the play In play lavinia is the protagonist and
 his father had arrived in 10 years back. We see that 'Neil gives 
three part of that:

    Home coming

 · The Hunted

·   The Haunted

             As  we know that lavinia and 
  his mother Christen love to Adam Brand. Here we see that Adam 
  was cousin to Ezra Mannon Both are faces love At that time not in
 home to Ezra So we see that both mother and daughter lover Here is that revenge of that Lavinia
 haws know that his mother loves to Adam At that time Ezra came
 home and christen said that she loves to Adam At times Ezra 
   was dying As we see that lavinia and orin is angry and gone that Peter 
  and Hezal loved to lavinia and 
  Orin Both are not accepted that. Both are the brothers and sister. But when we see that Mannon family
 becomes criminal At that time he was selfish Orin love his mother
   and not happy that she loved Adam. 


Role of Teacher and Student

Role of Teacher

Ideal Teacher

- Good Teacher

- shows confidence

- Teaching in your heart and soul in your teaching.

- Best Teacher watching themselves as guides.

"A good teachers can change your life"

The Teacher as Role Model: -

-A Role Model can be anybody, a parent, a sister, a friend, but some of our most influential and life changing role models are teachers.

They are not allowed to teach

Motivator: -

- Good communication and teaching style

- lifetime Lerner

- Students should feel comfortable and confident in the classroom a possible.

- Teachers teach in many ways including lectures, small group activities and hand on learning activities.

- Motivate students for learning

Role of Student

Ideal student

-Respect to teacher

-Respect and trust the teacher

-Ideal students are not born ideal or perfect

-They are nurtured to be ideal

-A student's role is also motivated about their learning.

-Ideal student

-Student lilfe




- Students should be ready to study hard

-Always attend class

-Developing self discipline

-Students should be discipline

- Student should be good learner

- Student should respect

- Attend the classes very sincerely and regularly

Movie Review : Matilda

"Matilda  is a movie which was directed by David Matilda is the little girl with extraordinary talent and a bright mind. Her parents are disgusting they have no morals It's quite funny after Matilda from the first day she was born When she becomes six and half years old, her parents do not even notice it, thinking she is still four. But that was not the only thing they did not know about

They think her as a dumb girl her parents leave the house for the rest of the day, the girl goes to the library They always pay attention to television and money.

Her school life

Matilda join the elements school

       Her School Principal is the Trumpbull is tyrannical principal. She also came to know about her violent nature .Matilda 's teacher Jennifer Honey is kind lady and always helps students She also love Matilda.

       In the end Trunchbool leaves the school and Miss honey vecomes principal of school and the movie of the last scene Miss honey adopts Matilda .. Thus, this movie is a happy ending with ending.

☆ My Favourute Books: -

   My favorite book is The Immortals Of MEHULA

Movie Review : Modern Times

 Modern Times 

  In Modern Times and The Great Dictator both the movie we have see the representation of modern era. 

Modern Times : 

Modern Times is a comedy film by Charlie Chaplin. It is written and directed by Charlie Chaplin in 1936. In which he represented iconic little tramp character who struggles to survive in the modern industrialization world.

  In the first and very beginning scene of the film portrayed very significance meaning. In the first seen there is the crowd of sleep. In just a second scene the crowd of people is shown. It shows the sheeple  type of idea (sheep +people) . The movie make scientific satire on the period 1936. It shows more industrialization and people are work as machines rather than the human beings, they work like a machines in the factories. 

He also shows poverty of 20th century in this movie with the help of gamins character because of Chaplin interested in poor and also working gamin's father was unemployed and mother was died that's way she stolen food from the different places. The end of the movie is with the rode journey and some mountain it is also symbolic. It shows the journey of life goes on. It never end an till the death as well rode. It was also never end. So the end of the movie is very symbolic. There are many symbols in the movie like. Clock, sleep. 

Movie Review : The Great Dictator

The Great Dictator 

The Great Dictator is a 1940 American political satire comedy Drama film written and starring by Charlie Chaplin. We know that Charlie Chaplin most of the films are silent films. In to the period of sound films, this was Chaplin's first true sound film. 

   Charlie Chaplin played double roll in this movie. One of them is great dictator like Hitler and anther is Jewish barber. How Hitler ruled on Jew people and Mack fear towards people. 

   So the movie is very helpful to understand 20th century. 


Sunday Reading : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimamanda Ngozi is a Nigerian novelist, writer of short story and a nonfiction. 

She is excellent speaker. Her most
recent book dear ljeeawele or a feminists manifesto in fifteen suggestions was published in March 2017.

 For watching her video click the link she talked about.... 

1) Talk on importance of single story 
2) We should all be feminists 
3) Importance of truth in post truth.         Era  

In the first video she talked about the danger of single story. 

- Her mind was corrupted by the white and blue eyed character. 

- But after reading the African Books her perspective shifted towards her own identity. 

   In this video Chimamnda adiche talks the story of how are found her authentic culture voice and warns that if we hear only a single story of about another person or country. She talks country, place, culture, nature ,she talks about " the things fall apart " written by chinua Achebe. 

We should all be feminist 

-  She is required in the thinking and in a practice. 

- She talks about physical differences. But that is not important. 

- Gives the example of her Own life when she visited the hotel waiter call thanks to the man not to her. 

- For the society a woman fails in marriage it means personal failure. 

- In education most of the times we finds concentration on what to wear not on what to teach. 

- Man has to think more than woman. 

Importance of truth in post truth Era 

    In third is on well know term post truth and truth. We all believe in the truth which was said by some political leaders. We should search truth in order to live life healthy. Because if we believe the in Every ward which they say we may lead to the downfall of democracy on an individual one. 

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Learning Experience : Jay Mehta on E. A. Poe's short stories

On 19-20-21-22 in our department of English MKBU Dr. Dilip Barad organized guest lecture by Dr.. Jay mehta sir's lecture on Edger Allen Poe's short stories..

  In this four days, he was talked about Poe's short stories like...

- The tell tale heart
- The back cat
- The fall of the house of usher
- The cask of Amontillado
- The Purloined Letter
- The gold bug

     Poe is a famous for his horror , terror, fear, bloodshed, burying, lie, macabre, Poe is master of "Tales of mystery and imagination.

   1st Day...
   On 19th September he introduce Poe and his two stories 1) The tell tale heart 2) The black cat
   I'm tell tale heart one man has hate for one old man's blue eye that's why on one night Ke killed the old man.
  In the back cat he felt anger on his cat and kill it.

 2nd Day...

    Another two short stories of Poe
1) The fall of house of usher 2) The cask of Amontillado
    In these stories Poe created horror atmosphere and make fear...
    The second story in bases on revenge theme

 3rd Day....

   On 3rd Day he taught us two stories 1) The purloined letter 2) The gold bug
    First is detective type story and second is about the suspense is treasure .

  4th Day...
  On 22 September the session was about poetry. Jay sir introduce Us how to write poems. He also read some of his poems. Us with best Gujarati poet.

   This was amazing session on poems...

  Thank you. .

Reflective Blog : Teaching of Prof. Balaji Ranganathan..

    On 14-15-16 September in department of English MKBU. We have guest lecture by professor Balaji Ranganathan. He had deal with post colonial study in our department. He was came here for three days and the topics which are discussed by him are....

  1) Black skin, white mask by frantz fanon
  2) Edward said on Orintalism
  3) A  Tempest by  Amie cesaire
  4)  Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie

    1st day....

     On 14th he had taught us black skin white mask by frantz fanon. He taught the unit very interestingly Ans deeply.

    He said that white man sealed in his whiteness and back man sealed in his blackness. Humanism is larger inclusive Humanity. Higher state of awareness is humanity .

    He said that your colour is biological ,impression is simple so you are observed by not your skin but my your culture.

 2nd Day.....

   He talks about Edward said on " Orintalism " and  "A Tempest "  by Amie cesaire when he talking about orintalism is not just and idea but it  is a material idea,  philosophical,  discourse and now it has become academic. Orientalism is about the different way through which west looks toward the east. Then he taught us about "  A tempest "  Amie cesaire and the difference between " The Tempest " by Shakespeare and " A Tempest by Amie cesaire.

     Then he talk about Net / Set exam and told as to take is it competitive exams and not like any other academic exams. He provide as technique to how prepare for this examination. Here also he suggests to read original history book and tries to remember it.

    3rd Day....

   On 16th September he taught us imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie..

  About the idea of' Nation ' and 'State ' in which Sir explained that state means the territory of authority like king, Queen,  government have geographic state, but nation means an  imagination.

   He explained the unit and with chapter. .

1)Approach -Approach conflict (++)
2) Approch- Avoidance conflict (+-)
3) Avoidance - Avoidance conflict (--)